Simple Training Methods For Cats

When you bring a new kitten home, it’s essential that you learn how to communicate with your new pet. If your kitten balks at using the litter box or starts biting you while playing, you’ll have to start kitten training so the problem doesn’t persist. Below you’ll learn a simple way to teach your kitten what’s acceptable and what isn’t.

One thing you should know before you train your kitten is that cats won’t respond to punishment. If you yell at your kitten for soiling your floor, it will cause the terrified animal to run away from you. It’s difficult to train a cat that runs away, so you have to understand cat behaviour before the training begins.

Litter Box Issues

If you’ve ever been around cats at all, you’ve probably witnessed at least one of their grooming sessions. Cats instinctively lick their coats for various reasons and the most common reason is to keep themselves clean. Since cats are very particular about their cleanliness, it’s important that you keep their litter box as clean as possible. If the litter smells or there are several cats that use the same box, your feline may choose to use the bathroom on your floor instead. Scoop out the litter box at least once every day and if you have several cats, you need to have multiple litter boxes. Soon after your kitten eats, place the animal in the litter box so your kitty will become familiar with the potty area.
Biting Problems

Kittens love to play and sometimes they’ll bite a little too hard when you’re playing with them. To stop this unacceptable kitten behaviour before it gets out of hand, you’ll have to train your cat from doing it. When your cat bites you, never punish or hit the animal. As soon as your kitten bites you, respond with the word “no” in a stern voice and calmly walk away from your cat. When the fun of play stops as you walk away, your cat will soon learn that when you’re bitten, you’ll ignore him or her and cat food articles leave the room. This simple training method will quickly teach your cat that biting and rough play is not tolerated.

Kitten Behaviour is easier to understand the longer you’re around cats. As you watch your cats play, groom and interact with the other animals in your household, you’ll notice that each cat has unique personality traits. Even though each cat may act in a different way, you can train every one of them with consistency and kindness.